Fuel oil saving additive for complete combustion, improved heat transfer, reduced sludge, soot, smoke, fireside deposits and maintenance, Fuel Oil Saving Additive, Fuel Additive, Fuel Oil Additive, combustion, fuel efficiency, complete combustion, clean flame, boilers, furnaces, fuel oil, oil additive, sludge dispersion, combustion catalyst, atomization, turbines, soot free, smoke free, fuel saving"Fuel Additive
Unik Chemical Industries: Manufacturers of Fuel Additive - Residuumsol
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HOW TO USE Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive
1.Evaluate evaporation ratio (steam:fuel) before using Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive.
2.Add Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive to the fuel in the main storage tank just before a fresh tanker load of fuel is transferred to it.
3.Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive is to be added in the ratio of 1:1000. If you have 40 KL fuel oil in the main storage tank and 10 KL from the tanker is being added to it, you must add 40+10=50 KL as the initial dosage.
4.Top up with the correct quantity of Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive every time fresh fuel is added to the tank.
5.Evaluate the evaporation ratio after minimum 60 days of using Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive.
Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive can be used with Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS) Fuel, Light Diesel Oil (LDO), Kerosene Oil and Naptha with the same benefits as with Furnace Oil
Distributors and resellers are invited from all over India. Export inquiries are welcome. Lucrative terms offered.

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What is fuel oil?
When crude petroleum oil is refined, a variety of fuels, lubricants and petro-chemicals are extracted from it. The residue that remains is technically a waste product, but commercially it is very important as it supplies the ever increasing demands for industrial energy.

Why does fuel oil seem to get worse day by day?
Since fuel oil is a residue that remains after the refined products are removed from the crude oil, the impurities in the original crude oil are concentrated in the residue. With advances in petroleum technology, the oil companies are able to extract more high grade products from the crude oil and very little residue remains. This residue is consequently more concentrated with the impurities in the original crude.

What is an additive?
An additive is an extraneous substance that is added to a substance in very small quantities to enhance the existing properties of the substance, to impart some desirable properties to the substance, or to supress certain properties.

Why does fuel oil require additive treatment?
As we have seen, fuel oil is a residue that remains after crude oil is refined. The properties of fuel oil like viscosity, sludge content, presence of paraffinic and asphaltic particles and sulphur pose difficulties in the combustion of fuel oil. By treating the fuel with a suitable additive, many of these difficulties can be overcome and thermal energy can be extracted from the fuel to the fullest extent.

Why are additives not added by the oil suppliers at the refinery itself?
The answer to this question is largely a commercial one. Oil companies are supplying a residual or a waste product at a relatively fair price. Blending of an additive into bulk quantities of fuel oil is both complicated and a costly procedure. Besides, the fuel oil could be destined for a wide variety of uses some of which require additive treatment and some of which do not. There is also the possibility that in certain industrial processes the compounds in the additive may actually do harm to the product that is being manufactured.

What is Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive?
Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive is a liquid blend of organic chemicals in a petroleum base. The ingredients of Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive include detergents, combustion catalyst, chemicals that reduce the surface tension of the fuel oil, oxidation inhibitor and deposit modifiers. Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive is easily miscible and fully compatible with all varieties of fuel oil. It can be used to treat fuels like Furnace Oil, Bunker C fuel, Low Sulphur Heavy Stock Fuel, Light Diesel Oil, Kerosene Oil and Naptha with equal benefits.

Why is Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive to be added before transferring fresh fuel to the tank?
It is advised that Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive be added to the main storage tank just before fresh fuel is transferred to it because the agitation caused by the transfer of the fuel to the tank is enough for the additive to get homogenously mixed in the fuel oil.

How to verify the usefulness of Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive?
Before commencing with the trial use of Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive, it is necessary to establish the existing parameters related to your energy generation equipment. This can be achieved by determining the steam/fuel ratio in boiler installations. After using Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive for a period of sixty days, it will be observed that the steam/fuel ratio will be about 4-7% higher than the similar ratio without the use of the additive.

Can Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive be tried out by using a small sample of, say, 5 litres?
Yes. If your fuel oil consumption is very low and if 5 litres can be sufficient for 60 days of use, then a trial using 5 litres of Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive will give you the desired results. However, if your consumption of fuel oil is much more, then 5 litres of the fuel oil additive would be suffice for only a few days. The benefits of using Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive are accumulative. The longer the hydrocarbon molecules remain in contact with the active ingredients of Residuumsol: Fuel Oil Additive, the more they are modified and are conditioned to burn easily and efficiently.

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